Eric, I had seen that video the other day (and actually before when I just had my tongue done)...amazing! Weird to know someone that has that Dr. and that the patient has posted here! LOL Good luck tomorrow Christine. I will be looking for your posts while I am recovering. I am taking a computer with me. :o)Dr. has said 10-14 days since they are working on radiated skin. I hope I feel halfway decent after a week or I can watch TV, play gameboy and take a vacation. LOL

Thanks, too, Karen...I know I have seen lots of tongue and back of tongue but not so many jaw so it is good to know I'm not the only one.

Right now the swelling is killing my neck - pulling on the old scar from the neck dissection. I did order a wedge pillow this time. Last time I made do with a pile of pillows but I figure with a face full of stitches I will need to be upright longer than last time.

Anything else I might need to have? I don't know if I will need a skin graft on the leg or not...I assume they take that from the other leg like they were going to for the arm flap. Nothing like BOTH legs hurting along with my neck and mouth. ARG!

Thanks for the talk-through...keep it up! I will continue to post here as I learn of dates, and procedures.

Thanks everyone!

Michele in IL

Female - 53 no smoke/drink
tongue Biopsy 8/2010
Surgery 9/21 for SCC left side tongue stage II. Prtl removal tongue/left side lymph nodes. All Clear
Radiation started 11/2, ended 12/17
Lymph node involved left side along with gum involvement 2/9 Fibular flap failed 2/22.
passed away 1/12/12