
You are my hero, we went through our battle at almost exactly the same time and I feel very close to you. You are strong and I know you can kick this shits ass! I will be thinking of you all week til we hear back. I hope this does the trick and you can move on with your life. I must say though on my side, its almost a bit scary coming out of the tunnel. I dont know what to do now...

Your Friend,

SCC left lateral tongue, left neck dissection. 2 nodes positive. 3 All Clear then ITS BACK 8/23/11 Shows 1cm in tongue in CT SCAN, Radial Free Arm Flap with Radical Neck Dissection 9/20/11 , All Nodes Negative, But Tongue Tumor Poorly Differentiated. Awaiting next step in treatment on 10/5/11... RIP Nate 7/28/12