I guess someone was looking out for us today and knew I needed a BREAK@! Yesterday after gathering some information about local churches that help house families in their apartments, I called around. The social worker at Anderson told me it would be very hard to get in anywhere so soon - we needed Monday. Well after learning my flight was canceled, I called the airline frantically trying to find a new flight. nothing was available, evne on other airlines. And we were supposed to check out of our room in a few hours; we were getting an employee rate thanks to a friend back home.

while all of this is going on, a lady from an organization i applied at online called my stepdad back home in NC (i listed their home phone as a contact). she told him they had something available and he, not knowing at the time our flight was canceled, told her we'll take it, but we wont be checking in till Monday. And she says that is fine but has to start charging rent as of today.

A while later I call my stepdad and tell him we cant get home and have to check out of the hotel and he informs me of the woman thats called! So I give her a call and inform her that we're basically homeless at the mo! She was like an angel. She was in the middle of doing something and dropped everything to meet us at the apartment complex to get us settled in. We're paying only $34 a day for a 2 bedroom fully furnished place. Theres even a pool here! Its so 'homey' andcomfortable. My Mom is already fast asleep in the oversized recliner.

The angel lady called me a little while ago to check in on us. I told her how grateful I was and that I think this all happened for a reason b/c my Mom didnt need to do basically a cross country trip via car back here in 2 days. She went on to tell me that she was thinking the same thing the whole time. She said it is so RARE for a family to get an apartment so soon. She said she had called about 20 families prior to getting to us and nothing was working out; numbers didnt work or people changed plans. She said she knew God wanted her to keep calling b/c she hadnt reached the right family. So she called us today, on a Friday, even though their office is closed on Fridays. And technically, she wouldnt have called us until Tuesday b/c Monday is a holiday.

Everything today happened so fast...I feel like someone is finally taking care of us. I miss my husband so much but I know Im doing the right thing. Now I'll just stay here with Mom in the apartment till my stepdad makes it here.

I guess this thread went from angry and frustrated to joy and relief. Its crazy what a day can do!

my mom, age 59.

12/08 surgery & 33x rad
4/09 recurrence
5/09 surgery & 35x rad
12/09 recurrence
1/10 surgery. peg tube, trach, fibula free flap
6/10 recurrence. double chemo treatments.
8/10/10 finally at peace in heaven