I agree that you should head straight for a CCC. I started out a local hospital that operates on the pretense of having a cancer center but it's not the same. I received radiation there but they had no one on staff (ENT -wise) who was familiar with oral cancer. I was lucky to have them recommend me to a CCC close to home for the rest of my treatment but I could have saved a lot of grief if I had gone there first.
Best of luck to you and yours!

Pat - 62 yr. old -DX 8/29/09 SCC stage III floor of mouth
Lower teeth& bone removed
Port& Peg
Cisplatin x3; Rad 35 - ended 12/21/09
Fox Chase 2nd opinion-mandibulectomy; tracheotomy; left neck dissection; jaw reconstruction 5/13/10; flap failed;new flap 7/13/10; lipo January 2011