I got the biopsy results yesterday and happy to announce the PET was a false/positive reading...NO CANCER!!!!!! Now we deal with the plans for surgery. The ENT is talking a mandibulectomy, tracheotomy and left neck dissection. She says she doesn't need to take as much of my tongue as initially thought...now just a small section under the tongue. The neck dissection won't be as extensive as initially thought either.She'll take a few lymph nodes mostly to give the PS as much to work with as possible. I hope I'm interpreting this properly; this is my understanding. As it goes to the trach.. I hope I understand that this is only temporary for the two weeks I'll be in the hospital recovering.
I have also set in motion a request for Medicaid to approve a third opinion at John Hopkins while I go ahead with the surgery plans at Fox Chase which she is estimates to be mid-May. I guess now it is just a waiting game and planning a list of questions that will come up between now and then. Hoping "you guys" can help me with that.

Pat - 62 yr. old -DX 8/29/09 SCC stage III floor of mouth
Lower teeth& bone removed
Port& Peg
Cisplatin x3; Rad 35 - ended 12/21/09
Fox Chase 2nd opinion-mandibulectomy; tracheotomy; left neck dissection; jaw reconstruction 5/13/10; flap failed;new flap 7/13/10; lipo January 2011