Sorry to hear your news, it seems sometimes when we are trying to handle all we can something else happens that knocks us down again. I don't know what to say except get back up and keep fighting. Get another opinion! It aint over yet!

And know you are in my thoughts, you are not alone.

thinking of you.

scc 4/2004 r side tongue, flr of mouth.
neck disection,4 lymph nodes 34x rad,3X chemo
10/2007 r cheek. remove w/graft. 40 HBO dives.
01/2010 r cheek. surgery w/graft
04/2010,surgery remove lower right jaw, reconstruct. 4x chemo 25x rad. clear margins. pet 8/2010 clear
July 2012 right side bot cancer. surgery to remove, clear margins
4/2013 Surgery to remove cancer in lymph node near thyroid, clear margins
6/2013 start of rad 25X Chemo 7X