Followup appt this noon. PET shows there is still cancer in the bone. 50/50 chance it is false/positive because of the bone infection. ENT wants a biopsy this Tuesday to verify it to be cancer. Surgery is the only course of action to remove a significant amount of the jaw bone, any residual cancer and the front of the tongue.A neck dissection will also be necessary. There is also a 50/50 chance this cancer will return because of the aggressive nature of SSC. Should that be the case, there is no further treatment available to me. I found that surprising; no chemo, no radiation, no surgery. From all I've learned on the site, her predictions seem more dire than anything I've heard so far. I'm pretty much reeling from the visit and glad it's a weekend so I can clear my head and hopefully make a decision on the next step...Third opinion? Scared and stunned!

Pat - 62 yr. old -DX 8/29/09 SCC stage III floor of mouth
Lower teeth& bone removed
Port& Peg
Cisplatin x3; Rad 35 - ended 12/21/09
Fox Chase 2nd opinion-mandibulectomy; tracheotomy; left neck dissection; jaw reconstruction 5/13/10; flap failed;new flap 7/13/10; lipo January 2011