
Clark had jaw reconstruction because he had numerous post radiation infections that were treated by the ENT. Eventually he ended up with osteoradionecrosis of the jaw--the jaw bone died. He has been seeing the PS and the OralMax for the last 5 months. He still has some issues with healing. Very common with radiated tissue.

I remember after the surgery to remove the cancer (11/07), the PS told us that if my husband needed additional reconstruction, he wouldn't consider it until the swelling was down.

Good luck and keep us informed on your progress.


Anita (68)
CG to husband, Clark, 79,
DX SCC 11/07, T4N0Mx, PEG 1/08, RAD, post rad infection 3/08,
HBOT 40 dives, ORN, Surg 11/09 mandibulectomy w/fibular graft.
Plastic Surg 4/10, 12/10, 3/11, 10/11, 4/12, 10/12. All PETS clear,
PEG out 1/11. 6/11 non union jaw fracture
Fractured jaw w/surgery 7/14
Aspiration pneumonia 7/21, 10/22
PEG 7/21
Botox injections