Karen.. the reasons that the ENT gave me were that I can talk, I can swallow, I can eat mushy food so I should be grateful for all of this. I didn't tell him how difficult it is for me to eat that mushy food (the length of time it takes to swallow) but I don't think it would have mattered. I may be reading too much into it, but I think it was a matter of coverage - I only have NJ Medical Assistance. Prior to this visit, all of my doctors discussed reconstruction surgery as if it were the next logical phase in healing and recovery. The radiation and chemo departments collaborated in getting me this appointment and an appointment a few weeks ago with the plastic surgeon. He was totally onboard and explained what he would do in concert with ENT; they would be in the OR together. Anita.. what made Clark eligible for reconstruction? From what I'm reading, I could be susceptible to infections because of the jawbone being exposed, and who knows what else I am susceptible to. I don't really know what's going on inside my mouth. There's so much swelling or other such enlargements, that I can't see much. I can't see the floor of my mouth but the ENT pretty much told me I don't have one! (Is that possible?) My tongue is huge and I can barely move it.. bigger on one side than the other and it has a huge slit down the middle that looks like a breeding ground for food particles that might get stuck in there. He had to have seen all this! Friends and family are telling me to forget this guy! I'm trying!

Pat - 62 yr. old -DX 8/29/09 SCC stage III floor of mouth
Lower teeth& bone removed
Port& Peg
Cisplatin x3; Rad 35 - ended 12/21/09
Fox Chase 2nd opinion-mandibulectomy; tracheotomy; left neck dissection; jaw reconstruction 5/13/10; flap failed;new flap 7/13/10; lipo January 2011