Here I am back again,

Our scare is over for the moment. We saw the surgeon this morning and after my daughter explaining her concerns, re decreased tongue mobility, a feeling of thickness and hardness, and problems with her speech, he gave her a thorough examination. There were no swollen nodes which was a good sign. He then checked out the area she was worried about and declared, "I am very sure that's scar tissue." He explained that the site had changed shape and the tongue starts to contract which is to be expected. He also said as the feeling is coming back into her tongue she will be noticing these things a lot more. But he was confident there is no cancer there. She promptly burst into tears,and was then full of apologies.
I asked him how she knows nothing is going on inside, as I've learnt what she says while in a consultation doesn't match the fears she has when she leaves. He said the only way was to do a MRI, which she will be sent an appointment for. He doesnt think it's necessary but decided it will be a good measuring stick for him in the future and give her peace of mind.She's also been having trouble with blocked sinuses, so he's going to include those in her scan. God bless her, now she's worried it might find something.
So I am relieved, but for a couple of hours after felt as if I'd been hit by a steam roller. Thanks you all for your kind words they were very comforting to me. I wish you all good happenings in your journey.


mother of 33 yr old diagnosed with oral cancer - tongue - Nov 2008. Light smoker. Surgery 18 Dec 2008 - lasered base of tongue and got good clearance. Removed part of tongue itself.
No lymph nodes affected as caught early. Held off on radiation. Recovering well, taking scares in her stride.