Thankyou everyone for your words of support and wisdom. I've not been able to post a reply and just worked out why. I was rather than .org.

We are off to the hospital soon, and I hope I have the right questions to ask, not that I actually know what the right questions are. She does have a brilliant surgeon so that's something.

I think after hearing bad news once before, it instils a fear in you it'll be that nightmare all over again. The worst thing for me is she has two little ones she worries about, and went through hell to get them. Finally had IVF and 9 yrs on had her first. She is terrified she won't be here to see them grow up. I try and always be positive, and she says i always say the right things, which astounds me. I need support, as at times like now I feel petrified on the inside, but have to be strong on the outside, always bolstering her.

They lasered under her tongue and made sure to preserve her tongue tip as she is a drama teacher and speech is her way of life. I need to refresh myself with exactly what they did as I've put it out of my mind.

Off to get ready now for her appt and I will report back in later today after work with whatever news we get. But regardless, I'll be back, as you don't get over these issues in 5 minutes and they hover over your head at times.

Thankyou to you all


mother of 33 yr old diagnosed with oral cancer - tongue - Nov 2008. Light smoker. Surgery 18 Dec 2008 - lasered base of tongue and got good clearance. Removed part of tongue itself.
No lymph nodes affected as caught early. Held off on radiation. Recovering well, taking scares in her stride.