Hi and congrats to you and your husband Carol. I am glad you all are finished with the treatments. Be mentally and emotionally prepared for a little bit of a roller coaster ride now though. For me I was glad to wake up, if I didn't I would nearly burst because of all the water I was taking in. I even wet the bed twice because I was sleeping well. Kind of embarrassing. :-) I have just learned to live with 1-2 hr stretches, get up, drink, use the restroom, roll around for awhile, fall asleep, and then do it all over again. I slept on the couch or recliner for a month because of this so I wouldn't bother my wife. I look at all of these things as temporary so persevering through these little annoyances aren't so overwhelming. What has been helpful is the steam humidifier I got at wal-mart or walgreens. Anyway it has a uv light to help remove the bacteria that everyone worries about with steam humidifiers. It helps more than the mister type humidifiers. Good luck.

Lee, age 33, stage 4a, T2N2bM0, Tumor left tonsil (removed), 2 left side nodes removed (poorly differientiatied)total of 3 nodes involved. Treatment IMRT x33/ 2x Cysplatin completed. Good Health and Good Help to you.