That's wonderful news, Carol. My husband has 4 rads left and we are counting the days. His biggest problem was the thrush from the chemo which wouldn't have been a problem if the Dr. had just prescribed the fluconazole at the beginning but, he wouldn't. First the nystatin mouth wash and then the lozenges. Now that he is on the fluconazole, he is fine again.

He has never stopped eating real food, real meals which is great! He has not lost weight but, has actually gained.

One thing that he does everyday at least 4 times is gargle with Caphosol. I feel that this has contributed to his well being during his treatment.

I think it's remarkable that he has completed 33 IMRT's and 2 rounds of Cisplatin and 5FU and is still eating the same foods as before the cancer.
I thank God everyday for helping us through this.


Caregiver of husband, age 57, non-smoker, DX: 4/07 w/undifferentiaed SCC, TX IMRT X37 @ 200, Chemo Cisplatin, 5FU X2. TREATMENTS COMPLETED ON 6/20/07!!