Hi Carol, what great news that he's done with both the treatment and trach - awesome! When Jack had the tongue sticking thing he used Biotene dry mouth gel - it's thicker than the liquid products and worked fairly well. Jack put the gel on the nightstand. We also use a humidifier to keep the air moist. If he needs the Ativan he should use it to get some sleep. When he wakes up he can swish his mouth. Walt Mart and CVS also carry biotene products and you can order on line.
Regards JoAnne

JoAnne - Caregiver to husband, cancer rt. tonsil, mets to soft palate, BOT, 7 lymph nodes - T3N2BM0, stage 4. Robotic assisted surgery, radical neck dissection 2/06; 30 IMTX treatments and 4 cycles of cisplatin completed June 06.