Well...off to work I went. Rod's feed hadn't finished & I had to leave. Filled the syringe for flushing, showed him what to do...wasn't much feed to go. Got to work, missed call from Rod. Called him back, he was in panic mode. He went to flush and forgot to close the feed cap...I've done it myself, poor bloke. Told him not to worry about the mess & that I'd flush when I got home which I did. Apart from that little mishap, he did good. I think It was me who didn't like leaving him!! Gave him 2 xanax before I left and prepared some breakthrough, he has only taken 1 xanax all day - says a lot for the anxiety...a good sign.

As for work, everyone was glad to see me but I was dumbfounded when my boss asked me when Rod was going back to work. Lets put that down to ignorance too.

Have a good day tomorrow everyone...Jeanna xx

Wife/Carer of Rod, 56, Dx 5/3/09, SCC Oropharnyx T4 N2, End Tx 28th 07/09, 7wks Rad, 3 Cisplatin, primary tonsil, 4cm Lymph right of neck, 1cm left, in jaw & soft palate & base of tongue. Peg 06/09. CT & PET scans 02/11 - NED. Dentures 20/09/11, PEG out 28/10/11.