Thanks for your imput guys. I know it is going to be really hard for both of us on Monday. I worked right up until the second last treatment, up at 5am, getting Rod - meds/feeds etc ready, showering, going to work, coming home, taking him into the city - 40mins to 1 1/4 hrs away depending on the traffic - for his appointments & treatments, getting home at any time between 6 and 8.30pm at night, repeating the morning ritual, sitting for an hour, going to bed, then getting up and doing it all again. It was like Groundhog Day! In hindsight, I don't know how I did it, I don't know how anyone can do it like that. Then the 1st 2 post Tx weeks I was like a mad woman, work was more restful! The last 2 weeks have subsided. It does sound a bit mean Liz - tough love etc, & I know where you're coming from, but I also agree with David - Rod can do his own meds now if I get them ready pre work, he can have 4 wheetbix & 1 liquid feed before I go to work, if he gets hungry he can have eggs/soup/more wheetbix, sleep, before he knows it I'll be home again. I am only 10 mins by car from home, & yes, a phone call away. the threats of infection, high temps etc have abated, and he can call the hospital nurse at any time. I reckon it will probably be harder in the end for me to leave him! No specific reason that he wants me home another week, I asked, he said he just 'wants me here'. I can understand this, but I have to go back to work sooner or later, we have no money!! It's not that I don't want to be here with Rod, I do, could then sit here & chat all day with you guys while he's sleeping...but logically, we don't have the finances to enable this - I'm at a 'no work no pay' status, until May....winning the lottery could be handy, but I'd rather come up with a cure that cures all by Monday. My work isn't a nasty place - because of Rod and another guy I work withs' mum, work donated $10k to Peter MacCallum Cancer Research in July, when the company turned 150 years old. More tears.....I could be working for a less understanding do people without a carer get on? [ps - he is back to being able to swallow whole meds without being crushed - good huh?...]

Wife/Carer of Rod, 56, Dx 5/3/09, SCC Oropharnyx T4 N2, End Tx 28th 07/09, 7wks Rad, 3 Cisplatin, primary tonsil, 4cm Lymph right of neck, 1cm left, in jaw & soft palate & base of tongue. Peg 06/09. CT & PET scans 02/11 - NED. Dentures 20/09/11, PEG out 28/10/11.