Opps. Didn't make my point well. Again.
My not know what the point was, is simply my way of saying that without the scan results I wont know how advanced the cancer is. Thus, I would not know if there is a point. There are several other things going on that I hadn't paid attention too that know have me very worried. For one, I have had a headach for the last two weeks. Same spot everyday. I thought it was just my sinuses. Maybe it still is just my sinuses. Maybe not. I have also had some stapping pains under my arms, didn't even think about that being anything, but what if has once again entered into my volcabulary. Of course I will fight, I've never just rolled over and not faught. I just need those results to know how much fighting will be required.

40 yr old. Stage IV SCC found left tonsil. PET/CT shows cancer on base of tongue, floor of mouth, lymph nodes on both sides. HPV 16 pos. 6 weeks of cisplatin, 43 days of radiation. 73gy on each side.
ND March 2, 2009
reoccurance dx'd Aug 19, 2009