Saw another dentist today who is referring me to a specialist. It seems I will def have to have some kind of reconstructive surgery again. I do not want to, I want tostabilize what I have. I am so frustrated. Still I have this tooth no one wants to touch because of cancer and radiation and who knows what else. I said to please send me to someone. He maybe will send me to Duke and they keep mentioning some dental guru in Florida. It is nice to know about the Hbo> NOT only will my originial doctors not refer me to anyone but they downplay the hbo as cancer causing. Thanks to Brian, I do see now that my doc has been in practice quite a long time. Very highly recommended but of the old school. So HBO is not the bad quy I thought. Boy, you have to find your way out of this maze sometimes by yourself and with friends(you guys) but not with the help of doctors!

Partial mandibulectomy and neck dissection 2/3/07. T2NOMO.
Had 14 hour operation which included reconstruction of jaw.
Reconstruction failed. Some radiation, no chemo.