I am getting ready to do the standard 20 before 10 after HBO protocol, my question (especially here at the holidays) how many days do they typically let you take off in between dives, especially the ones before.

I managed to fracture a tooth at some point on the opposite side of where my tumor was...

And a bit of humor, my PET scan is scheduled on the same day as my 8th anniversary of finishing IMRT. smile


Last edited by Kevin - Memphis; 12-01-2014 01:48 PM.

SCC Tongue (T3N0M0) diag 06/2006.
No evidence of disease 2010
Another PET 12-2014 pre-HBO, still N.E.D.

�Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. It matters that you don't just give up.�
Stephen Hawking