Hi all
I also had rads only after a neck dissection, I also quizzed my oncologist about chemo after same discussion on forum which our old friend charm participated in. oncologists response was due to small tumour and neck dissection results ( clear margins) the added help +- 4% of chemo on a HPV+ scc versus, the side effects of chemo didn't justify having it. My oncologist is the head of the department in Victoria
I am currently seven months out from end of treatment which was much easier then expected, back to pretty much normal
Hope you and ambra enjoy your weekend make sure you eat your favourites as they aren't fibbing about loosing your taste for a bit.

Best of luck. Ken

46 yr old non smoker moderate drinker
Lump on neck
Dx branchial cyst by fna mar 2012
Op to remove dec2012 biopsy back hpv 16 scc
Starting rads jan 31 no chemo docs say?
Finished mar13
Pet scan june 30 NED :)))
Back to work and enjoying life
Checkup aug 12 all good