For all that it is worth, I am also T2N1, treated at a good CCC (Johns Hopkins), and I will be also receiving rads only, no chemo. Not 100% sure, but pretty certain they also mentioned radiating one side of my neck only.

I will admit that it makes me nervous, especially when reading here that the more aggressive treatment should be pursued, but I am trying to let go and trust my medical team, otherwise I will go crazy.

Last edited by Ambra; 10-23-2013 07:45 AM.

36, female, left tonsil HPV+ SCC, T2N1
8/28/13 SCC in left tonsil
9/12/13 surgery:TORS and selective neck dissection (levels II-IV), 23 nodes removed
9/18/13 post surgery biopsy: 2mm clear margins, a 7mm lymph node positive in level IV, no ECL
10/28/13 rad begins, 30 treatments, tomotherapy
12/09/13 radiation ends!
2/10/14 papillary thyroid cancer
2/26/14 PET shows clear neck other than thyroid cancer, but with high uptake in an ovarian cyst
2/27/14 thyroidectomy
3/5/14 pelvic ultrasound