Hello Tony,
Those are pretty good news! You RAD treatment sounds exactly the same as mine, and we might be starting around the same time too.

Having it done locally is great news as well. Mine will be done an hour drive away, and since I do not drive I will have to reply on my friends which is a complicated. So you are lucky that you do not have to deal with it.

I would ask your doctor the next time you see him/her about areas affected with radiation and if you might need a PEG tube. I don't know if they already discussed this with you, but radiation has really bad influence on teeth so you should visit your dentist now and deal with anything problematic before the treatment start. You should also get fluoride trays made.

And yes, we can maybe dance together one day. I can lead a little, though nothing fancy. I follow much better, I promise.

Good luck!

36, female, left tonsil HPV+ SCC, T2N1
8/28/13 SCC in left tonsil
9/12/13 surgery:TORS and selective neck dissection (levels II-IV), 23 nodes removed
9/18/13 post surgery biopsy: 2mm clear margins, a 7mm lymph node positive in level IV, no ECL
10/28/13 rad begins, 30 treatments, tomotherapy
12/09/13 radiation ends!
2/10/14 papillary thyroid cancer
2/26/14 PET shows clear neck other than thyroid cancer, but with high uptake in an ovarian cyst
2/27/14 thyroidectomy
3/5/14 pelvic ultrasound