Thank you,I will tell my Husband I am collecting him at 4 and he will be home for a few hours to help our daughter with maths as she has an exam tomorrow.As regards cis and the feeding tube its seems funny to me as they have most of the patients they are treating on same schedual(5days of rads and one day of cis for 7 weeks)and from the start they said at some stage andy would most likely have to have a FT ,anyway I know more soon,thats great that the tube down the nose works.The name of the gel the nurse gave him is "Instillagel" and it comes prepacked in a syringe which makes it handy for applying inside the mouth.

age 50,dx march 2012,tx start 16th may,rads 34 imrt,chemo 7,no surgery.HPV ?.stg 4 BOT plus 1 sliva gland and toncil,casual drinker,smoked 19yrs ago but had odd cig.cycles approx 10ks 5 days wk.