Hi John, I understand all to well what you are going through, it's not an easy thing to go through you're not alone. Everyone handles Rad treatments differently. I had 1/2 of my tongue remover & all the lymph nodes on the right side of my neck removed as well At first I had very very little taste and in time it come back. I had the rad treatments and I'm glad that I did, I am now cancer free.
It's not as bad as it may seem. For dry mouth I use water, hard sugar free candy, Biotine mouth wash , juice , lollipops to keep mouth from drying.

Female- Age 49, Non-smoker, I Had 6 weeks of rad/30 treatments, No Chemo.
1/2 of my tongue had to be removed as well as Lymph Nodes. Surgery was 11 & 1/2 Hours long. 40 Lymph Nodes where removed, only one was cancerous. smile

My Motto since my diagnoses- It's All In The Attitude!!!