oddly enough throughout my husband, mike's treatment he has been able to taste bacon (smokey flavor? animal fat? who knows) so we've added bacon bits to his scrambled eggs (that also included a tablespoon of powdered milk & heavy whip cream).

so knowing he liked (& could taste bacon) i picked up a can of campbells condensed bean & bacon soup at the market. i mix this up in the blender w/2 servings of tofu & instead of water, use chicken broth as the liquid. blend this up to a creamy consistentcy & heat up only 1 portion at a time, while refridgerating the remainder for the next day. the beans give him fiber, tofu provides added protein & the chicken broth provides a tad more fat than water.

another twist i tried along the same lines was blending a can of condensed cream of chicken & mushroom soup, w/a 15 oz can of white kidney beans & again the 2 servings of tofu & using chicken broth as the liquid.

a quick & easy veggie to prepare is zucchni. sliced thined or grated, steamed for a few minutes till soft, then add a bit of butter & seasoning to taste. a good way to get a serving of fresh veggies into your diet.

a dinner we both could enjoy together was browned ground beef mixed w/a can of manwhich (sloopy joe mix) over a very done soft baked potato & a side dish of zucchni.

i've doctored up a box of kraft mac & cheese, by mixing a 1/4 cup of alfredo sauce into his serving making it more creamy, in turn, easier to eat.

some tips: (1) meet w/a nutritionist that specializes in oncology & has experience was the needs of oral cancer patients. ours was a blessing--sharing samples, receipes & providing mike an indepth picture of his nutrition needs thru treatment & recovery.

(2) as a caregiver i knew my time away from mike was limited, so instead of shopping all over town as i had done before he began treatment, i decided to go to only one market, the closest one--this saved time (& fuel). it wasn't the cheapest, or the most expensive, but it did have everything we needed from groceries, paper goods, deli, etc. and a pharmacy whose staff always went the extra mile in preparing his prescriptions.

(3) purchase "experimental" foods in small quantities because today the taste buds like that food, but next week it will taste sour.

judy, cg to hubby mike (T4-N1-M0 SSC left tonsil, non-smoker, non-drinker, age 58)
treatment: aug 18 - oct 3, 2008, cisplatin (3) w/concurrent imrt (35)
we're waiting for 'all clear'