Theres TONS of info about
HPV on our main OCF site, the link is below or click on any of highlighted
HPV you see thru-out posts. OCF has been at the forefront of funding research to study
HPV with Dr Maura Gillison. Much of what is known today about
HPV has been discovered thru the hard work and diligence of Dr Gillison. One major recent change to the
HPV vaccines (Guardisil), has been to open up the age limit that had been up to only 26 years old to 45 years old.
If people could just get past the current anti-vaccine movement to see the whole picture and understand how important it is to vaccinate our children when they're young. Getting children vaccinated before they are exposed to
HPV is optimal, there would be far less people diagnosed years later with
HPV caused cancers. As I learned about OC, i also learned about
HPV and the vaccine to stop cancers caused by the
HPV virus. Just like the chicken pox vaccine, I waited at the time what seemed like forever to get my kids the shots so to avoid getting chicken pox. Since my children were teenagers I sat down and fully explained what I knew about
HPV and the vaccine and let them help make the decision to get the shots. Back then it was 3 shots a few months apart but last I heard its now only 2 doses.
Heres more about
HPV from reputable websites .....
Main OCF Site, Understanding CDC, HPV infoNIH, HPV