Bottom right hand pages have a edit date on them. All pages are minimum reviewed on a 6 month time period, pages that have constantly updating information, facts page, HPV page, etc. have this date as it is something that we recently started doing for our advisory doctor board more than the public. Pages in which information is less dynamic we have not done this to. You will not find an more up to date site on this disease on the web. Please note that the NCI oral cancer page has not been updated in two years, the CDC site has not been updated in three. The expenditures for these trusted government sites are at the bottom of their priority lists of things to spend money on, especial with the budget cuts they are all operating under. If there is a doubt in your mind that the information is current, please contact me directly and I have a master list of updates and schedule for review. THe science advisory board in the about us section of the OCF site will tell who is updating and / or reviewing our pages.

If you are not conversant in how computers cache pages so they view quickly and let you sometimes see a page with is out of date, but has been updated please ask.

Remember to dump the cache on your web browser on a regular basis to be sure you are seeing the most current version of the page, and not one from a previous visit to it that it has cached.

Note bottom right hind corner of this page

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.