There is NO clinical evidence, other than anecdotal, that your husband's remission was related to his actions. He was already part way through treatments which likely had some impact. There are no peer reviewed published papers that show that raw foods cure anything. When you have some science that supports what you have claimed, you may post about it again. PLease understand that scientific evidence means from a reputable source published in peer review journals, and which has been repeatedly duplicated with similar outcomes. Until then, I am pleased that your husband is well, but I feel that your post encourage people - whom you have no idea what their cancer status is, to engage in a behavior that there is no scientific evidence that is peer reviewed will help them. On these boards that is not something you may do. The board moderators have agreed to leave this post up, delete the link to the site which has no evidence based information, and close this thread. You may think this small minded, wrong, prejudiced, influenced by conventional medicine, or whatever you care to. Bottom line, if this was working on everyone, it would not remain in the shadows, and everyone of the 500,000 cancer patients in the US each year would be doing it and surviving. The truth is they are not, and that is NOT because this idea has not been floated all over the web and other mediums for years.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.