From what we now know about BOT cancers, which we didn't even know a year ago, is they respond better to treatments than other oral cancers. There are even clinical trials running now to see if patients can receive less, perhaps half as much radiation and less chemo and have the same positive end results. They are definitely less aggressive even in late stages, and have survival advantages over other oral cancers in significant numbers. This is all peer reviewed published.

While I am pleased to hear that he is cancer free, who can say why that is, his partial treatments? His raw diet? Divine intervention? No one knows. And no one will ever know. In that light, the foundation's position is the same. We have watched too many die from treatment refusal or termination, and his outcome is certainly not the norm, not applicable to everyone, and that is well documented. While we are pleased for him and you, the foundation's position is that patients should follow their doctors advice whatever that might be, which has documentable success rates and survival rates particularly now in BOT cancers. Anyone that does otherwise is walking into a world of unproven ideas that have not stood up to the rigors of scientific exploration, and the outcome of that could be anything, and from our experience and the published data, it is ill advised to do what this person says they did with these results.

I wish you and your husband long and cancer free, happy lives.

As was clearly stated by many members before in your last post about his survival, there is no evidence that what you did made any difference. Thank you for the update, but OCF will not let these forums become another debate about alternative ideas that have no scientific evidence to support them. This thread is locked for comments

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.