Remember me? I'm the one who had the husband diagnosed 11/2008 with T2N1M0 base of tongue, left lymph node swollen, etc...
And after he did 5 radiations and one chemo (Jan 2009), he opted out of any further treatment from the medical establishment, and went on a raw food diet, Budwig diet, supplements, meditation/stress reduction, exercise and engorged our library of books with alternative cancer options.
I was removed from the boards because of the non-medical way in which my spouse chose to "treat" his cancer, which perhaps was a kindness for others. (We call it starving that sucker.) I was wished well, and invited back "when his cancer returns". I'm back, and will hope that there is a more congenial environment for this update.
May 2011. He is still free of cancer, per his doctor who was amazed back in 2009, one year after diagnosing him. His neck has scar tissue in the lymph node (feels like a small marble, down from being about the size of his thumb). Cancer on the base of the tongue is GONE (without surgical removal).
Books we both highly recommend: "Anti Cancer, A New Way of Life" by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD., "Cancer, Step Out of the Box" by Ty Bollinger, and the one that really started us on his path of beating the cancer, "Cancer Free" by Bill Henderson.
I wish you all well in dealing with this disease. As my spouse is wont to say, "It's the treatments that kill you."

Last edited by Elin; 05-10-2011 10:48 AM.

Elin, artist and Wife to Ron, neck lump 8/08
Ron, age 68, Dx 11/23/08, T2N2bMx BOT Stage IV, treatments begin January. cisplatin x 3 and rads 35x, one chemo down and rads x4 as of 1/20.