Great news that they have agreed to see you. Of course we all HOPE that they wouldn't waste your time unless they did have something to offer you - but who knows!

Been thinking about you and wondering how you were. Enjoy the trip to Houston - try to find some time to be a tourist.

We'll be waiting to hear how you made out. Prayers and positive vibes being sent your way.


Last edited by Pandora99; 03-05-2009 12:59 PM.

Donna,69, SCC L Tongue T2N1MO Stg IV 4/04 w/partial gloss;32 radtx; T2N2M0 Stg IV; R tongue-2nd partial gloss w/graft 10/07; 30 radtx/2 cispl 2/08. 3rd Oral Cancer surgery 1/22 - Stage 1. 2022 surgery eliminated swallowing and bottom left jaw. Now a “Tubie for Life”.no food envy - Thank God! Surviving isn't easy!!!! .Proudly Canadian - YES, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE IS WONDERFUL! (Not perfect but definitely WONDERFUL)