Diane & Rosie,

I have expressed many times how difficult I believe caregivers have throughout this whole process. It's okay for us as patients to give in to our thoughts sometimes. I think it's alomost expected. But you all never can - it would be too hard on the patient. You put up with the bad tempers and irritability that we as patients experience and tend to take out on those closest to us. Cause we know you love us and we feel so very safe just being ourselves with you. The stiff upper lip we show the rest of the world sometimes slips around you all.

You have been through so much and been so strong I don't have a doubt in the world that both of you will get past this and return to the source of strength that you have been.

Everyone hits a bump in the road, you guys are entitled. Please know that you have my thoughts, prayers and total admiration for the care you give.
