Thanks for the welcome! My daughter is being treated at Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish in St. Louis, MO. She and her husband, so far, are thrilled to be there. The treatment you had sounds much like what the doctors at St. Louis University Hospital proposed. I guess the reason you haven't heard about the laser surgery is that it is performed in very few places from what I understand. I was concerned that I hadn't found mention of it on this site; so it seems it is not widely known. I don't think there is any chance, at present, that my daughter and son-in-law would consider switching to another place for treatment. I don't know what will happen after Tuesday. We'll just have to wait and see. Thanks again!


mother of 43 yr-old female,
post-op Dx: SCC rt.tonsil,non-ker.type,poorly diff.T2,N2,MO,stage IVA
1. Transoral CO2 laser partial glossectomy
2. Transoral CO2 laser pharyngectomy
3. Bilateral neck dissections
4. Microlaryngoscopy