I just saw a hour long show on rats. They are amazing creatures to say the least. Just one of the things I found amazing was one of the favorite baits for traps is INSULATION. That speaks volumes about their resolve.

We have to deal with rats in our restaurant during the cold months when they want to come inside and the last thing a restaurateur wants is to have a cute little rat peaking it's head out in front of a customer so naturally we leave them up to the experts. Now I refuse to let them use glue boards but then again we must get rid of them so they use these bait boxes where they go in and die out of sight. So the other morning I cut the light on in the kitchen to open up and sure enough I saw one scurry into a crack. I called the experts and they came out only to tell me that "someone" had removed all the boxes. I was like WHO in the world would do something like that? and then it dawned on me....my dear darling wife. So now we have to be very careful not to tip her off. I wish there was another way but they just won't listen to reason.


Age 58 at Dx, HPV16+ SCC, Stage IV BOT+2 nodes, non smoker, casual drinker, exercise nut, Cisplatin x 3 & concurrent IMRT x 35,(70 Gy), no surgery, no Peg, Tx at Moffitt over Aug 06. Jun 07, back to riding my bike 100 miles a wk. Now doing 12 Spin classes and 60 outdoor miles per wk. Nov 13 completed Hilly Century ride for Cancer, 104 miles, 1st Place in my age group. Apr 2014 & 15, Spun for 9 straight hrs to raise $$ for YMCA's Livestrong Program. Certified Spin Instructor Jun 2014.