So today I played a little round of stump the medical oncologist. Haha. He referred me to an endocrinologist because he couldn't make any sense of my symptoms. Good fun. So now I get to add another doctor to my list! Hopefully they will figure something out for me! I love being the medical oddity (ha, not really)!
Pete- unfortunately hypothyroidism doesn't really fit my symptoms. An over active thyroid fits but I know that it is more common for someone's thyroid to get fried, not sped up from radiation, right?
Stephanie, 23, SCC on the right side of my tongue, surgery on 5-19-08, over half my tongue removed, free flap constructed from my forearm, bilateral neck dissection, one positive node. Radiation (32) and chemo (carboplatin) started on 6-16-08. Recurrence 4/09 in lungs.
**** Stephanie passed away 12.15.09.... RIP our dear friend****