I'll add just a note on this general topic...not necessarily concerning use of a PEG, which I did not have.
After my surgery, I couldn't swallow much of anything, so my sweet husband would crush up my medicines (I take a good many routine medications, as well as the pain meds I needed then.) After a time, my mouth, in addition to the misery from the surgery, was on fire! I went to my friendly periodontist, who said that it was inflamed because many medications are not formulated to come into contact with the tissues of the mouth. They are designed to dissolve in the stomach. He suggested using his own "miracle mouthwash" recipe: 1/2 liquid antacid and 1/2 liquid Benadryl.
So....be careful about crushing medications not intended to be crushed, and get liquid ones if possible. (I don't thnk that they make liquid lipitor and premarin and synthroid!)
Last edited by August; 09-18-2008 10:00 AM.