Hey Johnny,

I had almost 50 percent of my oral tongue removed and I'm doing okay. In fact, every day it gets a little better...just in time for radiation. No free flap...not even discussed...I'm not sure if I should have had it or not. The biggest issue is that I talk a lot slower and I loose food on my left side. I have a feeling if the numbness leaves...then I would be able to talk a lot better. The numbness from my neck dissection bothers me more.

I saw something after surgery and was concerned...Heck, it just freaked me out and I was a major pain in the a$$ to everyone around me. My Doctor's told me that I went through a lot and it was only a couple of weeks post-op...to calm down and let the healing process to take it's course. I suppose I was being impatient. Since then my half-a-tongue is looking pretty good.

Good luck

7-16-08 age 37@Dx, T3N0M0 SCC 4.778cm tumor, left side of oral tongue, non smoker, casual drinker, I am the 4th in my family to have H&N cancer
8-13-08 left neck dissection and 40% of tongue removed, submandibular salivary gland & 14 nodes clean, no chemo, IMRTx35
11-4-08 Recovering & feeling better