John, When your tonsil was removed I would think that the surgeon removed any tumors and nodes that could be affected. There are other conditions that can cause swelling after surgery such as lymphodema ( a build up of lymph fluid). Same with membranes after radiation, red,swollen. My tongue was also swollen and felt very thick and heavy. My taste come back somewhat. I don't eat apples, oranges,lemons,pickles (anything tart). My salivia is back well enough. The biopsy is the most important thing! It will tell which way to go. It is a big worry about the tongue, but there are solutions, such as grafts from your forearm. It works quite well in someone I know. Try not to think of all the worst things that can happen in the future. Worrying and Stress are bad for your health is what I say to myself. We do what we have to do. It always seems worst when we think about it, especially late at night. Take some deep breaths and wait patiently for the biopsy results.It's the best thing to do. There are lots of surprises on this journey! Live Strong Tom Roussell

SCC Tonsil Rt T3 N2b M0 side DX Jan 04 Tx 36 Rad 3 cisplatin Tx ending May 04. partial neck dissection july 04..... July 15,08 mets to liver Age 57...Did Methotrexate Sept 08. Now on a trial drug Panitumumab, Feb4,09 treatments stopped. going to Tibetan Medicine.