TO Pete: I hope you are right that my being so "forceful" will result in sympathy for my husband and not the reverse. Even though I am a take charge type of person anyway, I didn't think that some of these issues would end up being battles. I had another battle this weekend with both the in-home nurse company (who never showed up) and the supplier of the feeding pump. It feels like it will never stop. It didn't help much that I ended up in the Emergency Room from a wasp sting this weekend too.
TO AMY: I already know what you mean about the 3rd level extending to family and friends. I have gotten so very over-protective of Chris, and making sure he does not try to do more than he feels like doing. It is hard when you are trying to stay positive and give family and friends the best outlook but at the same time have to turn away requests for visits or outings. It gives a mixed signal and is hard for them to understand. Our last outing was 9 days ago. He was feeling great that night, we had a good time. Everyone since then has said how wonderful he looked. Well, he hasn't had a good day since. All I can tell them is that he is tired and resting, but what they remember was how great he looked and last they saw him. I think it is everybody's way of trying to stay positive, not just for themselves, but for me also. Karen
CG-Husb-Diag 03/08 T4N2cM0 Floor of Mouth SCC: 5/21-Mod Rad neck dissecton, remove mandible,floor of mouth, suprahyoid muscile, part of tongue. Bilateral +nodes. Reconstruct w/fibular (failed). 5/25-Pec flap: 6/15-infection from fistual: 7/31-Rads-6 wks. Chronic infections. HBO starts 1-26-09