One thing I was wondering about is, if they put in a feeding tube will I still be able to drink or eat anything thur the mouth, It would be nice to at least be able to drink as long as I can, to keep the mouth wet. how long do they leave in the feeding tube after ratation? Most likely it would be till the mouth and throat heals, I wonder if the burn is like the one you would get from boiling water and would take about the same amount of time. I'm hoping I'm looking at about 6 weeks of treatmemt then 2 more weeks to heal...I also know that things don't alway go as planned.

mouth cancer Diagnosed July 11th.2008
Surgery on July 24th. to remove cancer between chin and gums.
pet scan being set up for end of month.
Ratation and small amounts of chemo will start in about 5 weeks after mouth has healed. will need a feeding tube.
66 year old female,