You really are a "Trooper". My Nutritionist was telling me how much better you gals are at handling this � pain management and all. She was nicely inferring how us guy seem to hit the wall and turn into wimps.
After having emasculated me she politely caulked it up to child bearing. Interestingly that day I showed with my friend Betty wearing her gardening hat since I am starting to look like a lobster and my ball caps won�t cut it anymore.
On the way Betty had remarked that we had to find me something more suitable or she was going to paint my nail and put lipstick on me. Apparently she thinks her gardening hat is not suitable lunch attire and made me look like an aging drag queen � well, might that be close enough to help a little with that pain management??
Anyway yesterday we went and found me a killer straw cowboy hat! Wow, I thought it made me look like a Texas Stud, but Betty says no, �more like a hokey Oki� (slang for Oklahoman). Maybe with a pair of cowboy boots?.... and then maybe not!
Anyway the mouth and throat have almost hit the wall, other than that I am fine. Today I was looking for soft food again. Found numerous cans of Mushroom soup left over from my tonsillectomy, but the milk to mix it with was out of date and sour, so I figured what the hell and mixed it with a can of PEG Nutren. A bit thick, added some water�. Well my taste buds are bit shot, but not that shot. So, shortly I am off the grocery, in a cowboy hat, once again in search of soft food (anything to avoid the dreaded PEG).
I know, next week I must confront PEG reality, but not today

Hope you and your Mom find a beautiful place and have a wonderful outing (Jevity Picnic).