Good luck to you, Stephen! I know exactly how scared you are - exactly. I have a terrible time with anesthesia myself, it makes me so nauseous and groggy and crappy feeling. And pain?? I hate pain. BUT - I've had plenty of surgeries and lots of anesthesia and even some pain and I'm still up and kicking. The next few days, maybe even weeks, are going to be tough but you will get through them, of that I am certain. If you can run a marathon, you can get through this!

My advice? Be an active patient. Tell them when and where it hurts, follow their instructions and don't be afraid to ask questions and always keep pushing for answers until you're satisfied. Think of this as a new kind of race and you will finish it with grace and style.

And please do stay in touch.

- Margaret

Stage IV SCC lt lateral tongue, surgery 5/19/08 (partial gloss/upper neck dissection left side/radial free flap reconstruction) IMRT w/weekly Cisplatin & Erbitux 6/30/08, PEG 1 6/12/08 - out 7/14 (in abdominal wall, not stomach), PEG 2 7/23/08 - out 11/20/08, Tx done 8/18/08
Second SCC tumor, Stage 1, rt mobile tongue, removed 10/18/2016, right neck dissection 12/9/2016
Third SCC tumor, diagnosed, 4/19/2108, rt submandibular mass, HPV-, IMRT w/ weekly Cisplatin, 5/9 - 6/25/2018, PEG 3 5/31/2018