Sophia, the patches will offer some relief, try them please. You need some relief from the pain. Go in with a list of questions and hand it to the Nurse, ask her to sit with you and have her write or the Dr. write the answers on the paper next to the questions. This way they HAvE to give you an answer to each, and you can take it with you to re-read. Course, sometimes we don't really want the answers in some situations. But, I know when I worked as a Nurse, this would 'make' the Dr. respond to each question and not avoid it. But, get relief from your pain as quickly as you can, it will help you be able to sort things out if you can get relief. Linda

Jordan's Mom. Linda
She fought the fight with courage, hope and dedication. Ten months of battling tongue cancer. They thought they had it after each treatment. Not to be. Christa died at 32 y/o in Nov. '07.