Minnie, Could you just PM me your address and I will mail you the scarves. As for when the effects of chemo set in, I just had cisplatinum so whatever I say here your mileage may vary but how it worked for me is I was OK and not badly nauseated the day tehy gave me the chemo because they give you so much IV stuff to control the nausea at the same time. The next day was when the nausea hit but it didn't get really bad until 2 days after the chemo. I was trying to control it the first time just using compazine until day 3 after when I had been up all night with the heaves when they finally broke down and gave me zofran. After I started on the zofran I was still nauseated but it wasn't nearly as bad in terms of actualy vomiting except during the hour or so when I had the amifostine in me as well.

I continued to feel pretty bad for another week then felt better again in terms of nausea. However, I think it was about two weeks after the first chemo when I started to have seriously falling red and white blood cell counts and that got so bead it delayed my second chemo.

In terms of the actual administration of the chemo. The worst part for me was having to just sit sit sit there for HOURS. Bring videos or a good book and fun people to talk to.

As for the port, I had it and the PEG done at the same time so they made me stay overnight though nornmally it would have been an outpatient procedure if I'd had just it done alone. The site was a bit sore and sensitive afterwards for a couple of days but really not even much of that. After everything you've been through, this won't even hit the radar in terms of any discomfort.

Your 10 year old grand-daughter sounds like such a sweetheart. How wonderfully empathetic to want to wear her hair under a scarf so you won't feel alone. I hope you find time to go scarf shopping with ehr beforehand and find something really pretty you both can wear!

I am thinking of you every day Minnie, and sending prayers for your ease and comfort through this next leg of the battle.


SCC(T2N0M0) part.glossectomy & neck dissect 2/9/05 & 2/25/05.33 IMRT(66 Gy),2 Cisplatin ended 06/03/05.Stage I breast cancer treated 2/05-11/05.Surgery to remove esophageal stricture 07/06, still having dilatations to keep esophagus open.Dysphagia. "When you're going through hell, keep going"