I took daily Ethyol in the bicep for 6-1/2 weeks. It made me somewhat nauseous, so I switched to Zofran on the days I had the injections (on the weekends I used a cheaper medicine, which I don't recall the name of).

My saliva has always been considered reasonably good (relatively speaking), and has improved quite a bit (again, relatively speaking). I currently take Evoxac.

I was cautioned by my RO, who didn't think much of Ethyol, that it was just one more toxic substance in my bloodstream and that he would cut me off if I was starting to have trouble - which I never did.

Anyway, I'm glad I took it.

Best wishes,


SCC left tonsil, 2 lymph nodes, modified radical neck dissection, IMRT (both sides) completed 10/25/06, Erbitux and Cisplatin weekly, Ethyol daily