I had the daily injections prior to radiation on each visit. I was told the radiation had to begin within thirty minutes to an hour after the injection. The nurses injected me in the backside of my biceps, alternating daily, until the final week when they had to go to my literal backside. At $1600 a pop, who knows? I had six weeks worth. I understand it's to help protect that salivary glands, that somehow it gathers around the 'good' tissue, thereby protecting that tissue from the IMRT side splash. I was also told the Ethiol was 'burning me up' during radiation, too... BUT, if it's any indication I am now able to eat soups and chowders and such, even a small chili-dog last nite just three months plus 11 days out of radiation. Some people here at OCF say that is sort of phenomenal (?). Of course, having never done this, I wouldn't know. If my salivary function is an indication of the protective effects of Ethiol, then I would say it worked for me even if it did 'burn me up.' Granted, my salivary function is not that wonderful, my mouth really gets dry at night, and I have to keep the biotene gel, and the Oasis spray handy... I still have xerostomia. In short, I don't know, but it appears to have worked for me. God bless you both... I hope this has been somewhat of a help.

John - Proud to be here...
Hemiglossectomy 08/02/07, 4 lower molars extracted prior to 6 weeks IMRT 09/10/07-10/19/07, SCC w/met to L neck lymph nodes, rad only, no ND. PEG 10/26/07-02/05/08.
"We're all in the same boat in a stormy sea, therefore we owe one another a terrible loyalty."