I found myself nodding my head in agreement when reading Brian`s post.
I try to answer as many newcomer posts as I can but, I could see where they would be discouraged from joining our forum.
The discussions have become a lot more skewed towards facts,figures and conclusions.
Maybe Nelie is right, and there is a need for a Statics topic on the board for those who enjoy such discussions, that`s not my call.
I do know, when I found this forum I was looking for help in the day to day dealing with Base of Tongue cancer.
Quite frankly, all the talk about that particular form of cancer being so much worse than others scares me.

I don`t like being scared!


My two cents worth.

Caregiver to husband Pete, Dx 4/03 SCC Base of Tongue Stage IV. Chemo /Rad no surgery. Treatment finished 8/03. Doing great!