oral tongue cancers are less likely to be HPV induced?

fwiw, I heard from one rad. oncologist (but he is the suspect one I first went to here who thought I didn't need rad and left suddenly) that he thought in general the cancer became more aggressive as it moved back along the tongue. This was a man with some years experience as an RO at another major center before he came to our neck f the woods so I'm not totally discouting it. I got the distinct impression from him that oral tongue cancer was less aggresive, in general, than BOT. Has anyone else read or headr this?

SCC(T2N0M0) part.glossectomy & neck dissect 2/9/05 & 2/25/05.33 IMRT(66 Gy),2 Cisplatin ended 06/03/05.Stage I breast cancer treated 2/05-11/05.Surgery to remove esophageal stricture 07/06, still having dilatations to keep esophagus open.Dysphagia. "When you're going through hell, keep going"