Gee, I have to STRONGLY disagree with Steve and do agree wholeheartedly with Nelie. My 62 yr.old husband, who never slept more than 7 hrs in his life and loved working hard everyday, was knocked flat on his butt by 30 radiation txs. It took him over 8 weeks to feel like getting up and doing anything.[and he hated every minute of feeling that way- he kept a journal and every day for weeks there was an entry that read "I didn't make it up atoday, but tomorrow, I will get up and accomplish something"] He was not on Zoloff or any other mood altering drug during this time. Several things could be going on with your Mom. #1. Just the effects of the treatment are enough to have worn her out physically and emotionally, #2. The Zoloff and other meds might well be contributing to her lack of motivation, #3. The psychological effects of having to deal with this cancer may be more than she can handle. This is not like recovering from a tonsillectomy! I am sure this has added much stress to your household, perhaps youall need to re-evaluate how much care you can realistically provide and go from there. But., please don't lose patience with her at this point in her recovery efforts. Amy in the Ozarks