
Your situation sounds eerily like Heather's. Her 5th vertebrae was also destroyed and she lost much of the use of her arms. Although I have answered many questions and offered much advice here on the forum and in private e-mails, I have never talked to anyone else that had this particular situation. I do not remember anyone else here discussing it before either, other than in relation to Heather.

Because of going through this with Heather, I probably have an insight (on this particular subject) that few others here would, so please feel free to ask me questions either here on the forum or by e-mail.

I am wondering if you have been offered surgery to "repair" your spine? Although the pain may be under control for now, I fear that may not continue to be the case. Heather was on a constant morphine drip for months and although the dose was quite high, her pain was still not controlled. I hope that does not happen with you, but if the cancer continues to do its dirty work, the spine will continue to be compromised and that may become the case. I would love to discuss this with you, as I feel I may be of some help to you at this time.

Rainbows & hugs, wink

Was primary caregiver to my daughter Heather who had stage IV base of tongue SCC w/ primary recurrence. Original diagnosis August 21st, 2002. Primary recurrence March 18th, 2003. Died October 6th, 2003.